Welcome to my blog space and thank you for taking the time to visit. Before I dive in too deep, I want to introduce myself. As the name on the top of the page says, I’m Angela Gladden. My nicknames vary from Ang, Angey (Angry – if autocorrect catches it) to my favorite, Aunt Min. If you read my author bio, you learned that I am a Christian, a wife and an aunt to many nephews and nieces. In addition to being all those things, I’m also a fur-momma. My husband and I have 2 cats (Gus Gus and Binx) and a dog (Rex). They keep us busy and entertained!

Also, I feel like I should warn you that my brain feels like spaghetti sometimes and it comes out in my writings. I have so many thoughts and ideas swirling around that I often paralyze myself and don’t know what step to take next. I often start projects, and then see something shiny and forget what I was doing. Then it sits half done until I remember that I started it and it needs to be finished. Even then, sometimes, the project never gets finished. I have a wedding quilt that I started making with my sister after we both got married in 2006. We had the grand idea to turn our wedding dresses into quilts. The pattern was beautiful and it was going to turn out lovely! Lucky for me, my mom is super talented and she made my wedding dress and all 6 of my bridesmaids dresses! I had fabric left over to use for this quilt. We got the pieces cut out and started sewing them together. Then life happened – honestly, I don’t know what happened ha! But alas, the pieces of the un-finished quilt are *still* sitting in a box in my storage room almost 15 years later. Currently, I have 3 DIY projects that are sitting partially done in my living room. Thankfully, I DO finish some projects! 😀 It just takes me some time to finish what I start. I’m working on this, I promise! I’m learning new techniques to better manage my time AND my ideas so that they don’t overwhelm me and I don’t get too distracted. One project that I did finish and I’m so grateful for the encouragement and prayers that brought it to completion is what brought about this website. The Armor of God! It’s a children’s book that I wrote and had a friend illustrate. I am passionate about the Love of God and spreading His Word to children when they are little so that they can grow up knowing that they are loved and that they were made for a purpose.

I’m sorry, yet not really, if my posts are filled with tangents and disorganized. Hopefully, as I learn to organize my thoughts, it will be evident in my writing.You may also find that the topics I write on will vary. I like to write on topics that will serve my readers in different areas of life – Spiritual, relationships, hobbies, etc. For now, Spaghetti Brain wins 😏

Feel free to leave a comment introducing yourself! If you’ve read Armor of God, let me know if you have any thoughts or questions.

Again, Welcome!

6 Comments on “Welcome!”

  1. I thought this was very interesting and very personal in a way that others can relate to. Thnks for sharing.

  2. I’m so happy for you. I know that you have worked a long time to get to this point. Trust in God’s timing. Love you friend

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